
Practical guides to bio-based products

Explore the range of publications developed by AllThings.Bio over the years. From informative factsheets about our focus topics, to practical guides to communication, to key messages about the bioeconomy and the bio-based products, download and make use of our resources!

The Bioeconomy - a brief introduction
The Bioeconomy: a brief introduction

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Storytelling kits

Other than key messages, we also see the efficacy of storytelling and we have created several interactive storytelling kits. The first piece is a generic introduction to the category, while the rest are collages of the categories of bio-based products covered in BioCannDo (cleaning products, insulation materials and food packaging). Our story telling kits serve as your guide in building up an open dialogue with your audience regarding bio-based products.

How is the bioeconomy changing our lives?

Fashion and textiles | Food Packaging | Jobs and careers | Kids and schools

Bio-based food Packaging

Food Packaging | Home

Bio-based Insulation Materials

Construction | Home

Bio-based household cleaning products


The AllThings.Bio Slideshow

Construction | Energy | Fashion and textiles | Food Packaging | Gardening | Home | Sustainability | Transport

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